Friday, April 20, 2012

Do You Have Any Recommendations?

'Question!' photo (c) 2007, Stefan Baudy - license:

At Fangs for the Fantasy we’re always looking for new Urban Fantasy to devour; we love this genre and we’ve always got a book or 3 and several series on the go. It is a running joke now that if you take your eyes off us for a minute, we will reach for the e-reader.

But we’re always looking for new content - new TV series, new books, new films - even new media forms we haven’t even considered; we’ll give it a go! We’re particularly interested in works that are inclusive - because we are social justice bloggers and the very purpose of this site is to examine the genre we love through a social justice lens.

So, do you have any suggestions, gentle readers? Stuff that is so good you want to recommend? Or stuff so awful you just have to share? Or stuff you’re just curious to hear what we think about something?

Not just books - any media, let us know. As ever, our preferred genre is Urban Fantasy. While we do consider other works of speculative fiction, Urban Fantasy will always be front and centre for us and our definite preference.