Ethan drives his family away from the site where he killed Burke. When Ethan gets out of the car, he takes Ben to wash the blood off of his hands. Ben asks what the creature on the other side of the wall and Ethan calls them wolves, adding that they're in wolf territory. When Ethan gets back into the car, Theresa suggests calling the police, believing that there's no covering up what happened. Ethan informs her that "they already know". Okay, who the hell is "they"? Ethan explains that there are cameras and mics everywhere because the town is under surveillance. So far, Ethan has not been able to figure out who is doing this. Ethan tells Theresa that he was sent to Warward Pines to investigate the disappearance of Bill and Kate. Ethan recounts what happened after he woke up in Wayward Pines, adding that he has been trying to get out of Wayward Pines since the moment he woke up in the hospital. For a strategy they agree to pretend to be a happy family and simply play along. Theresa notices that Ben is missing and so she and Ethan race out of the car to find him.
They find Ben accepting an invitation welcoming him to attend Wayward Pines academy at 10am sharp. In his hands, Ethan hold a uniform jacket for the local highschool which came with the package.
Using Pope's keys, Ethan enters the Wayward Pines Police station and gets a gun. He doesn't get to do much more because Arlene Moran arrives carrying a cake to congratulate Ethan on becoming the new Sheriff. Fast on Arleen's heels, is Brad Fisher, the mayor of Wayward Pines, to congratulate Ethan on his new job. Ethan poses for a picture with Arleen and Brad for the local paper. It's Toby from the paper who takes the picture. Brad brings up Ethan's fast transition and Ethan asks who appointed him as sheriff. Brad reveals that this isn't under his purview, so Ethan asks again and this time adds that he would like to talk to them to find out what is expected of him in his new role. It seems that Bill is going to play the diplomat moving forward. Brian and Arlene explain that they don't like people who ask questions and that Ethan simply has to follow the rules. Ethan asks about cake and Arlene leaves to get a knife. Brad takes the opportunity to ask Toby to give him a minute alone with Ethan. Brad explains that he is happy to have someone with Ethan's experience working as the town's sheriff. Brad explains that being sheriff affords some power and Ethan simply says that he looks forward to working with Brad. The two men shake hands.
Theresa takes Ben to school, warning him not to draw too much attention to himself and adds that this should be for a couple of days. Theresa and Ben are greeted by Megan Fisher, the principal. Megan explains that the focus at the school is on arts, team building and athletics. Megan reveals that everyone there plays a sport. Megan then asks if Ben plays the guitar and informs him that they have a fantastic music program there. Megan calls the start of the school day and Theresa and Ben hug. It's clear that Theresa does not want to let go of Ben.
Ethan is busy searching the sheriff's office. He comes across a trapdoor in the floor and uses the keys to open it up. Ethan finds a box containing files on the residents. containing information on who they were before coming to the town.
Arlene sits at her desk crying when she is joined by Ethan. Ethan places her file in front of her, commenting that Arlene is from New Jersey. Ethan asks if she wants to go back and Arlene simply says that she loves it here. The conversation is brought to an end when Nurse Pam and two henchmen drag in Peter McCall. Pam calls Peter a subversive and says that he created subversive graffiti. Pam calls for a reckoning and when Ethan says no, Pam says that this is Peter's third strike and has therefore given them no choice. Ethan tells Pam to go and she offers to take care of Peter herself. Ethan assures Pam that it's taken care of.
Ben is alone in a room with Megan and she is preparing to ask him some questions. Megan asks Ben where he is from, where he lives and where home is. To all three questions, Ben answers Seattle. Megan questions if Ben misses Seattle and Ben answers that he does. Megan asks why his parents won't take him home and Ben replies that they can't because Ethan has been assigned there by the secret service. Megan questions if Ethan has made this all up and questions if Ethan has ever lied to Ben. When Ben says yes, Megan asks Ben how he can trust his father.
Theresa is making her way down the street with a map. Theresa comes across Peter's act of rebellion. It seems that Peter painted on a storefront, "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." Theresa then notices Kate arriving for work at her store. Theresa crosses the street and Kate asks if she can help Theresa find something. The women make small talk for a moment. Kate opens up a music box and tells Theresa that has 30 seconds to speak her peace. Theresa says she stopped being an agent because she wanted her family to come first but Ethan didn't make that choice.Kate apologises saying a lot has changed for her since then. Once the music stops, Kate asks Theresa if she wants the music box gift wrapped and Theresa leaves.
Ben is all done with school. Outside, Amy introduces herself to him. Ben leaves with Amy to head home even though he promised to wait for his mother. When Theresa arrives, Ben is already gone. Ben tells Amy about the questions Megan asked. Amy explains that Megan probably wanted to make sure Ben isn't getting homesick. Ben says that he is sort of getting homesick and had a girlfriend in Seattle. When Amy asks if he was popular while Ben doesn't outright say yes, he doesn't so no either. Ben asks about the fence and the animals on the otherside and is informed by Amy that she wouldn't want to go the wall. Amy asks how Ben knows about the animals but before he can answer, Theresa catches up with them and takes Ben with her.
In the sheriff's office, Ethan shows Peter pictures from his file. Peter denies that the man in the picture is him. Ethan shows Peter another picture and this time he cannot help but to stare at it and say that it's from another life. Peter says that he thinks he has been in Wayward Pines for maybe 8 years. Ethan then shows Peter a set of numbers but Peter doesn't know what they mean. Ethan brings up Peter's use of a cane and Peter explains that he hurt it trying to get out. Ethan asks why no one can leave this town and Peter reveals that there's one way and pantomimes putting a gun to his head. The phone rings and when Ethan answers, a voice tells him that he is to call a reckoning for Peter. Ethan slams the phone down and tells Peter that it was a telemarketer.
That evening, Ethan and Theresa gather in the bathroom to talk. Ethan reveals that he has been made sheriff and that he is expected to execute a man for spray painting graffiti. Ethan adds that everyone is a prisoner here. Ethan talks about meeting Brad and Theresa realises that Megan is Brad's wife. From the files, Ethan learned that Megan used to be a hypnotherapist. Ethan believes that Brad was trying to tell him something and that they can get more information about him.
In the morning, Theresa again delivers Ben to school. When she sees Megan, Theresa invites her over for dinner. Megan is delighted and suggests meeting at the beer garden since Theresa and Ethan are new in town.
At the station, Ethan brings Peter breakfast, promising that nothing is going to happen to him. Peter has spent the night going through his file. In 2001, Peter was at a convention and met a woman who he asked back to his room, though he was married. Peter then blacked out and then woke up in a hotel room in Wayward Pines with the same woman from the bar, except she was older and her name wasn't Dennis; it was Pam.