Now that the Bowman's know that they are being recorded, it's time for Will to check in and see just how much trouble his family is in and what kind of damage control he can do. The issue is that if the government is indeed looking for him because of Katie's involvement with the resistance, he is walking right into their hands. It's quite possible that Will will immediately be locked up, sent to a work camp, or even the factory. Katie, of course bristles in her new role as housewife, though she promises Will that she will keep things above bar for the sake of their family. We know that promise is going to last a New York minute.
Will is immediately taken aside once he shows up at work and placed in a room to wait for Bennett. Yes, Jennifer's boss finally has a name. Fortunately for will, Jennifer committed suicide, taking his secrets to the grave, so he is able to convince Bennett that he had nothing to do with Bram trying to under the wall, that he doesn't know why Beau left, or if he had any involvement with with resistance and finally, that without his help Broussard will not be found. To accomplish this, Will leans shamelessly on the fact that it was his help which led to the acquisition of the kidnapped host. Will makes it clear that it wasn't his job to look for a leak or plug it. Given Bennett's desire to capture Broussard, Will played his cards well.
Burke is in charge of Will and decides that Will is to investigate the Red Hand attack on the recruitment center. Burke doesn't really believe that Broussard is behind the attack but believes that if they can make the public turn against Broussard it will make it easier to catch him. Will is handed a dossier but doesn't get right down to work because an explosion goes off, sending everyone scurrying for the exit. Will sees this as his chance to head to surveillance to get in contact with Jennifer. Will is shocked when he sees just how much surveillance has escalated in his absence.
That night, having not found Jennifer at work, he decides to head to her home. When Will arrives, he finds Jennifer's door unlocked. Okay, I was totally expecting him to find Jennifer's body given that the last time we saw her, she was knocking back wine and taking pills. After a thorough search of Jennifer's place, Will leaves, only to find Burke outside leaning on his car. Burke informs Will that Jennifer wasn't cut out for this kind of work. Does this mean that Jennifer isn't really dead and just tucked away somewhere? Whatever the case, Burke is absolutely using her absence to send a chilling message to Will.

As aforementioned, Katie isn't at all pleased with being the dutiful wife and mother even though she knows what is at stake. Lindsay is back to continue her brainwashing of Gracie about the government cult. After Gracie's little talk with Katie, Gracie is no longer simply buying what Lindsay is selling, though Lindsay argues that unlike other religions, the Greatest Day has visible reasons to believe in the faith, like the wall. Lindsay is so determined to cement her work with Gracie that she sends Charlie to his room. When Katie catches wind of this, she looses her shit and orders Lindsay out of the house.