Well, after all of this build up, season three went out with whimper and tons of angst as far as I am concerned. I called it right from the beginning that at least some point, Clarke would end up with the flame in her head, cause you know, Clarke's a total one woman saving the world machine with her extra special specialness.
This episode essentially was about free will and living with regret. As we know, Clarke's got a pretty big death count and is very much haunted by the deaths of the mountain people. There's also the fact that Lexa, the woman she loves died because of a bullet which was meant for her. Life on the ground has been hard. Bellamy who is back on team good guy, regrets his part in the slaughter of Indra's army; however, even after all he's seen, Pike is still very much playing the us versus them card, though he is willing to work together for now to stop A.L.I.E. This however doesn't mean that Octavia is willing to play the same game.

The first opportunity Octavia gets, she slices Pike's leg leaving him wounded to fight off the chipped. She stands back like she's eating popcorn and watching some sort of festival. Bellamy appears and is shocked by Octavia's decision. They manage to withdraw and Bellamy tells Octavia to get her head on right. Sure, there's such a thing as time and place but Bellamy is no position to be lecturing anyone right now.
The battle to protect Clarke occurs. As a last line of defense, Abbie stands next to her daughter willing to shoot anyone who gets to close. Everyone puts up a good fight but there are just too many chipped people. Kane is choking the life out of Bellamy and Octavia is down on her back fighting for her life. Pike sees what's going on and throws off his attacker in time to save Octavia. Octavia is clearly surprised by Pike's decision but this doesn't make them equal.
Inside the city of light, Clarke is starting to struggle because the rate of the blood transfusion has started to slow down. The people in the city have started to take notice of her. Luckily for Clarke, Lexa makes an appearance and takes out the people trying to hurt her. I was glad to see Lexa again especially given how she died. It's all bittersweet for Clarke but Lexa says that she knew her spirit would choose wisely. They make their way to the kill area which becomes visible thanks to the work of Raven. I suppose this at least partially redeems Raven for screwing up last week. Lexa sends Clarke on ahead and promises to keep the chipped people out. I love this moment even though it's very much a retcon of Lexa's death. I love the idea that Lexa got the warriors ending that she so richly deserved.