Lost Boy is centered by a violent act of resistance orchestrated by the Red Hand. We watch as each character responds in various ways on how these reveals who they are no and where they stand on dealing with the alien invaders.
Lost Boy opens with Karen giving an ominous speech about what will happen to collaborators. From the moment Bram hooked up with Karen last week, I knew that Bram would end up being a useful fool. This feeling is confirmed when the Resistance drinks a toast to their upcoming act of rebellion because this is what they do before an attack that leads to death. Bram however isn't given a good bye fuck before being sent to his death. Bram is teamed up with Patrick, and they head into the green zone together. Patrick is cool as he goes through the check point but Bram looks suspicious as fuck. I kind of wonder how it is that the Red Hats didn't hold him under suspicion given how nervous he's behaving?
Bram and Patrick spend a New York minute cutting shrubs before entering a home. Patrick is quickly shot dead, leaving Bram with the decision of either running for his life or pulling the trigger himself. At this point, the writers let the audience in on a secret which Bram keeps from his family, he kills the Ambassador King. Not only does Bram kill, he boldly puts the signature blood red hand on the door of the house. Bram wants both revenge for the loss of his girlfriend and he wants to feel like he's doing something important. The fact that he ends up lying to both his mother and father indicates that he knows damn well that his actions were wrong and put people he cared about in jeopardy.
Karen's mission was always a suicide mission and so there were no plans made for how the Red Hand soldiers would escape the Green Zone once word spread of their murderous actions. Bram knows at this point that there's only one way to get out of this situation - Aunt Maddie. Maddie is immediately suspicious when Bram shows up the door. She's suspicious enough to keep Bram away from her son, even as he insists that in order to be safe they need to leave. Maddie does take the time to question Bram and he has pat answers but of course, they ring false. Bram claims that he was just released from prison and found his family home empty. Maddie actually thinks she's dropping a bomb when she reveals that Will and Kate are collaborators and on the run. Then Maddie does something which surprises me, she decides to take Bram to the gate when he explains that if he's caught in the Green Zone now, the guards won't listen to his explanation, given that he's just been released from prison. At the gate, Maddie is asked to step outside of her car by the guard and informed that Red Hand youth have been killing high status collaborators. The look of betrayal is all over her face, even as she insists that Bram is her nephew and not a danger to her. The moment they get away from the gate, Maddie stops the car and orders Bram to get out.

Will's perspective begins before Bram decides to become a murderer. Will's playing a game of catch with Charlie, in his own way trying to normalise their situation and emphasising that they are still a family. It's Charlie who has noticed that Bram has been sneaking out. Rather than being silent in solidarity with his brother, Charlie decides to snitch.