Last week, Elijah, who we are supposed to be shocked is violent for some reason, decided to rip out Dominic's heart to prove to a gathered crowd that the Mikaelson family would do anything to protect Hope and defeat the Hollow. Unfortunately for the Mikaelson's, Dominic prepared for just this very occasion. Using Papa Tunde's blade, Dominic was resurrected. With the ongoing threat to her family, Freya decides to put a protection and barrier spell on the compound tying it to her heartbeat. Given the fact that The Originals constantly has their female characters go down in battle, it's easy to know that this won't end well.
As Freya is finishing her protection spell, she gets a visit from Keelin. It seems that despite having a life elsewhere, Keelin has decided to stay in New Orleans because she doesn't have to hide her nature there. Keelin has a job interview at a local hospital and asks Freya to meet with her to celebrate. Freya clearly wants to do this but the weight of her family obligation weighs heavily upon her. Rather than doing the pub crawl that Keelin wants, Freya suggests that they meet at Rouseau's at midnight.
Klaus is climbing the walls and really dislikes be trapped in the house. When he heads up to the attic, he finds Hope there reading a creepy ass book and playing with Marcel's old toys. I find it interesting that Klaus decided to keep these given that Marcel has always been on the outside of the Mikaelson family looking in. For now, Klaus dodges Hope's query about whether a boy used to live in the house and takes her out of the attic.
Elijah heads to see Vincent to talk about what to do next. This is still very much a reluctant alliance because Vincent is rightfully disgusted by the Elijah's moral turpitude. Elijah's new plan is for Vincent to reestablish the link with the ancestors to help fight off the Hollow. This of course means a Harvest Ritual and that four young girls would have to be sacrificed. Vincent however sees that this could potentially start a war with the French Quarter coven, particularly because the last Harvest Ritual didn't exactly go well.
Now that Freya has the protection spell over the compound, it's time to move onto the second part of her plan and for that she needs a vampire. Paging Josh our local gay servant without a plot line of his own. Freya convinces Josh to help by promising that if this works, Marcel will get to live.
Dominic is playing his own game and is not about to wait around to get eaten by a Mikaelson. Dominic calls on Sofya, who at this point really isn't interested in their partnership anymore. Sofya isn't given much of a choice about cooperating because Dominic gives her one of those headaches that witches seem to just love giving vampires. In pain, Sofya admits that Freya was just seen transporting a shrouded body, which she assumes to be Marcel's. Because Sofya is more interested in saving Marcel than in serving the Hollow, Dominic decides to deal with her by shoving Papa Tunde's blade in her chest. Night night, Sofya.
What Sofya saw wasn't Marcel's body but Josh and to make it all extra convincing, Freya casts a spell on Josh to make him look like Marcel. This comes with all kinds of snark from Josh, who it seems sees Marcel's body as an upgrade. Steven Krueger isn't a bad looking man but Charles Michael Davis seems built to make people thirsty as fuck. Josh agrees to lie in a circle and pretend to be Marcel but tells Freya that when this is all over, they should never hang out again. I kind of loved Josh's snark in this moment, even though it forces me to realise that Josh's only role is to be comedic relief now.
Klaus is still very much moping around the house and complaining to Hayley how he doesn't want Hope going through their old things. Hayley quite reasonably suggest that Hope is bored and wants friends to play with. Klaus however seems to forget what it's like to be a child and retorts that Hope is strong and needs to be worshiped. Le Sigh. Klaus is just itching to get out of the house and Hayley finally figures out that Klaus is being triggered by not having the ability to leave. Klaus tells her that when he was imprisoned that he was starving and could hear the heartbeats of people outside and smell blood. Klaus admits that his mind even played tricks on him. This is enough to make Hayley wonder if Klaus is concerned with how Marcel is holding up but Klaus it seems, is content to let Marcel suffer.
Hope makes her way down to the dungeon and since she has Mikaelson blood, she can see Marcel. Hope is naturally curious about Marcel because she's figured out that he's trapped there because he wants to kill her darling daddy. Marcel does his best I wouldn't hurt a fly routine and tries to talk Hope into bringing him some of Klaus's stash of blood. Hope however makes it clear that she may be seven but she's not a fool. I think I just might like this kid.
Dominic strolls into Josh's apartment and when he sees Josh lying in the circle, he quickly breaks the masquerade spell. Not to be outdone, Freya marches into the room and gives Dominic a magical headache cause ya know, that's what witches love to do. Josh battles the men that Dominic brought with him and Freya quickly traps Dominic in a circle. Freya is quick to send Josh on his way, confidant that she can handle things for now. Freya gives Dominic a series of magical heart attacks, determined to find out where the remaining bones that The Hollow needs are. In his pain, Dominic does mention a name but says that they were just the former guardians and that he doesn't really know much more. Not able to get anymore information, Freya decides that Dominic has no outlived his usefulness. Dominic however is not about to go down that easily and he mentions that while he may not have more information about the bones, he does know something about a certain werewolf whom friends of his are visiting right now. Dominic muses that Keelin might already be dead. In a rage, Freya unleashes her power on Dominic which knocks him out of the protective circle. Free from the circle, Dominic promptly kills Freya, which of course knocks out the protection spell on the compound.