I don't know about you but at this point, I feel entitled to an award for surviving The Mist. Who could have thought that ten short episodes could be filled with so much homophobia and rape culture? I have to hand it to the writers for outdoing themselves on this one.
So everything this season has been building up to dealing with Alex's rape and discovering the origin of the mist. It's a sign of just how virulent rape culture is that Alex's rape is juxtaposed to the mist. At any rate, it's sort of fitting that the mall is the site of the confrontation because the mall is the first location where people lost their minds, long before there was a reason to.
When we last left Adrian, he was placed into a room with Alex, Eve and Jay. Adrian watches the interaction between Jay and Alex and once again his jealousy kicks in. Eve is adamant that she has to protect Alex from Jay and Adrian uses that as his excuses to beat Jay down with a fire extinguisher. Adrian yells that he has proof Jay raped Alex and promptly lies, claiming that at the hospital he saw the results of the rape kit.
Kevin has made his way into the mall and seen some of the ensuing chaos for himself. As Kevin makes his way through the mall, he runs into Mia, who is looking for Bryan. Mia is happy to see Kevin and explains that the only reason they left is that they were told he was shot in the head. Kevin reveals that it was Adrian who raped his daughter. Kevin and Mia decide to split up to continue to search the mall and then regroup.
When we last left Bryan he'd been restrained and saluted by Wes. Wes explains that he was told to be careful and that's why he chose to restrain Bryan. It turns out that Bryan is Wes's commanding officer and so he pulls rank in order to get Wes to free him. Wes explains that they've got to get back to the base and that Bryan will learn who he really is then and exactly what is going on with the mist. While Bryan really wants to know who he is and why he was tortured, he's conflicted by his budding relationship with Mia. It's Wes who points out that he's known Bryan for 8 years whereas Bryan has only known Mia for 5 days. Mia walks in and tells Bryan that Kevin is alive and that they need his help to find Alex. Okay, it's decision time for Bryan. Promising that he will find her somehow, Bryan says that he has to leave with Wes to find out who he is. Bryan backs out of the room slowlym apologising the whole way.
Connor has made it to the mall with Nathalie and they agree that it is Connor who will approach the residents of the mall because they don't know that Nathalie survived the Mist. Connor's appearance initially raises the hopes of the residents of the mall because they think that he's there to rescue them. Connor disappoints them all when he says that he's just looking for his son. Gus takes Connor to his office and the tension between the two men is palpable. Gus talks about wanting Eve and Alex our of the mall and how when this is over they may all have to confront doing some horrible things while taking note of Connor's bloodied knife. At this point all Connor wants is to get to Jay and so he makes it clear that whatever has happened is not his concern.
Gus takes Connor to the room where Eve, Adrian, Alex and Jay are locked up. Eve immediately begins to plead with Connor for his help but Connor is only interested in Jay. Connor leads Jay to a waiting Nathalie. Jay wants to go back and rescue Eve and Alex but Connor keeps telling Jay that they cannot do that and that Jay has to trust him. Jay is clearly suspicious but he loves his father and so does not flee. Connor tells a crying Jay how much he loves him and that whatever happened wasn't his fault. Finally, Connor pushes Jay outside and locks the door behind him. Jay bangs on the door and pleads but when he gets no answer, he runs into the mist. Connor and Nathalie wait but of course, the mist doesn't disappear. Nathalie says that maybe the Mist hasn't take Jay yet and that they just have to wait. Connor begins to cry and Nathalie comforts him by saying that she's so proud of him and that grief is a beautiful thing.
It finally happens, Kevin has his big confrontation with Adrian in a paint shop. Kevin reminds Adrian about what he said he would do when he found the person who raped his daughter. Kevin continues to beat Adrian, as Adrian begs him to stop. Finally, Adrian plays the only trump card that he can - Adrian knows where Eve and Alex are being kept. Mia arrives and draws Kevin's attention away from Adrian momentarily. Mia reports that Bryan has left with the military to figure out his identity. I guess we are not supposed to question how it is that Mia knows that Wes is a soldier. While Kevin is distracted, Adrian uses the paint to start a fire, creating a barrier between him and Kevin. Kevin still wants to go after Adrian but Mia encourages to stop worrying about Adrian for now.