Monday, December 16, 2013

Atlantis, Season 1, Episode 11: Hunger Pangs

Jason wanders around the market, hungry and virtually penniless. And he can’t get credit because, as a friend of Hercules, he’s not trusted for a loan. He resorts to stealing a loaf of bread, which he does rather ineptly, dunking it in the waters of the fountain followed by the bread seller as well. He escapes by hiding in n unoccupied building

An unoccupied people with incense, lots of dead animals, skulls and spooky, idol-like statues. An unoccupied building with an altar. An unoccupied building with an altar that has a bloody knife on it and a cut of meat.

And he takes the meat. I would say “he’s starving, that could make him silly” but this is Jason and Atlantis, let us be honest and say that he would always do something this foolish.

He takes it home but finds Pythagoras and Hercules are out – and he eats the meat. All of it. Hiding the bone and plate when Pythagoras returns (he’s been at the tavern with Hercules trying to shake him out of his depression over Medusa before being driven off by Hercules’s surliness). Pythagoras almost catches him before Hercules staggers in, drunk and incapable. Well, even more drunk and incapable than usual.

A man enters the altar room Jason stole the meat from, sniffing like an animal. When he finds the meat missing, he roars showing animalistic fangs.

And Jason wakes up the next day curled up on the floor, much to Pythagoras’s bemusement. Finding no breakfast again, they join Pythagoras on a job he’s got for them – killing rats in a warehouse. At the job Jason tracks a rat, by smell, crawling on all fours and destroying half the warehouse in his hunt. When the owner arrives and is a little miffed, Jason knocks him down – Pythagoras and Hercules quickly hurry him out.

During the night Jason disappears. Pythagoras is woken by the sound of something moving in the house and goes to look, following the sound outside – and briefly seeing a wolf. He hurries back into the house, locks the door and finds Jason missing.

The next day, Jason wakes up filthy, bruised, covered in feathers in a chicken coop. He makes his way home, awkwardly given the nakedness, to find both Pythagoras and Hercules up and waiting for him. He doesn’t remember anything, he just woke up naked in an animal pen (something both Hercules and Pythagoras consider a something that happens now and then). Pythagoras puts in the behaviour changes and presses Jason to think about what he’s done or where he’s been. He describes the shrine

Pythagoras checks it out and comes back with the joyful news – it’s a temple to Hecate. Goddess of Witchcraft; Hercules again marvels at Jason’s ignorance and they both marvel at the sheer foolishness of eating sacrificial food to the gods.

Pythagoras goes to do some research, leaving Hercules with Jason. But when he finds the right scroll and notices the setting sun, he hurries home worried about Hercules. There he finds Jason gone – and Hercules unconscious. Not hurt – just drink. He wakes Hercules and quickly explains how the Stygian Hounds, Hecate’s guard dogs, were once priests who were transformed – and Jason has done the same and will stalk the street at night looking for prey.

Cut to said wolf stalking and killing a goat – much to the horror of its owner.

The next day, Jason shows up on the doorstep, naked again. And Hercules knocks him unconscious and drops him in their cellar, just in case.

At the palace, the goatherd reports what he saw to the powers that be and Heptarian has Ramos investigate. King Minos is feeling ill, comforted and treated by Pasiphae – the likely cause of said illness- confirmed when she sneaks a powder into his drink.

Pythagoras finishes his research and returns home with a possible cure (to find a drunken Hercules, of course). The cure, unfortunately, requires rather a lot of silver which is rather out of their price range. But not Ariadne’s – they go find her in the Temple of Poseidon where she goes every day and manage to pass a note to her when Pythagoras distracts the guards by setting his clothes on fire. Yes, yes he does.

The note asks Ariadne to bring a pouch of silver for Jason – but when they head home they’re ambushed by the warehouse owner and his guards who drag them to the warehouse and won’t let them out until they’ve cleaned up the mess. They manage to get the work done and hurry to the temple, but they’re too late, an impatient Ariadne has already left – heading to the house

Where Jason is awake and just managed to free himself in time to answer the door to Ariadne. Naked. Much awkwardness follows as he tries to get rid of her before sunset. She enters the house and Jason begins to transform. Hercules and Pythagoras arrive just in time to stop him pouncing on her. She gives them the silver and leaves when they, well, don’t answer any of her questions. Is there a reason for this? Ok, maybe leave out the whole “Jason ate sacrificial food” but “Jason is cursed” wouldn’t have been that far a stretch (and don’t tell me Ariadne wouldn’t believe them – she’s lived with the reality of a minotaur for quite some time). And Jason escapes into the night

Heptarian and Ramos get another report of a wolf and summon the garrison.

Pythagoras and Hercules melt down the silver from Ariadne. They go looking for Jason while dodging Heptarian’s soldiers. Using a bone as bait, they trap him in the temple of Hecate and then block the passageway from the soldiers.

At dawn (after much consideration of how to invent a clock by Pythagoras). They go in to find Jason – but first they have to fight off an angry, wolf-toothed priest (crushing him with the statue of Hecate. Wow, they’re trying to piss off this goddess). They get Jason home and feed him the silver cure. It seems to work when Jason wishes Ariadne doesn’t know about him being a dog (Pythagoras tries to reassure him, Hercules puts in “she’s a woman, they have memories longer than the gods.”) Seeing how badly Jason messed up, they go from reassurance to teasing

Needless to say with them all hungry, there were many many fat jokes at Hercules’s expense. And is it necessary for him to be drunk all the time?

I do wish occasionally, when saying things like “how ignorant are you!?” there’d be some attempt to address Jason not being an Atlantis native.